Научно-популарны часопис Колозор іе преішел на регуларну закладу. Всіакы понедѣлник чѧкаіте новины часописа на всѣх наі‐популарных платформах: Telegram, VK, ZEN, FaceBook. Може ли томат бесѣдовати?…
Here are links to chats and channels that are working in Interslavic language and are closely collaborating with Novoslovnica: Telegram group Skype group Telegram channel…
The book of Novoslovnica is already published! You can order now a paper version of the book of Novoslovnica (297 pages, soft cover). The e-book…
Hello to everyone is interested in our project! The book is written. Now we make some preparations for its layout and design and soon we…
Hello, brothers! The book about Novoslovnica is to be finished in September. The next parallel project is “History of Slavs from roots to nowadays”. If…
We are happy to announce the day Novoslovnica first official guidebook is to be released on September 1, 2019. The title of the book is…
We are glad to announce some updates that took place in 2019 year. Some might think the project has been frozen, but it is not…
Dobrodošli na naš novyǐ saǐt! Větame vas zdě. Jesme změnili adres saǐta vo mrežji, bo novyǐ adres je bolěǐ råzumlivym do nazvy projekta, něž byše…